The Kingdom of Leon and Castille

Quality: Superior

Type: Urban Professional Increased training time based on unit type and quality, higher proportion of disciplined unit

Soldiers: 128

Attack: 3

Charge: 4

Weapon Type: melee

Defense: 4

Armour: 2

Defense Skill: 2

Shield: 0

Hit Points: 1

Recruitment Cost: 1300

Upkeep: 375

Superior armoured pikemen, known for their discipline and determination.
Tercio Pikemen are well renowned, highly disciplined professional pike soldiers with a fierce reputation, often supported by gunners. These pikemen are superior fighters equipped with a pike and protected by good armour. Able to present a wall of deadly pikes at oncoming enemies, this company will give any charging cavalry second thoughts.

  • Military Academy
  • Trecio Pikeman are recruited in cities after the "Hammer of the Witches" event in 1486 where a Military Academy has been constructed.