The Kingdom of Leon and Castille

Quality: Average

Type: LocalLacks formal military training, typically low discipline and less morale

Soldiers: 61

Melee: 3

Missile: 11

Charge: 2

Weapon Type: Missile

Defense: 9

Armour: 0

Defense Skill: 7

Shield: 2

Hit Points: 1

Recruitment Cost: 230

Upkeep: 120

These soldiers are drawn from the Spanish peasantry, protected by light armour and fighting with the javelin, in Iberian fashion.
Iberian warfare has a long tradition of light mobile soldiers, both mounted and foot, fighting with the javelin since pre Roman times. These soldiers are drawn from the Spanish peasantry, protected by light armour and fighting with the javelin, in Iberian fashion, allowing them to hurl their weapons at their foes, while remaining mobile enough to stay clear of trouble.

  • Mustering Hall
  • Garrison Quarters
  • In Castles, Jevelinmen are recruited in Garrison Quarters.