
Quality: Militia

Type: LocalLacks formal military training, typically low discipline and less morale

Soldiers: 31

Attack: 4

Charge: 9

Weapon Type: Melee

Defense: 4

Armour: 2

Defense Skill: 2

Shield: 0

Hit Points: 1

Recruitment Cost: 260

Upkeep: 175

Equipped with light mail and spear, this company is handy for out flanking your opponent and chasing down archers.
This light cavalry company is accustomed to raiding and skirmishing and can quickly be overcome in a prolonged melee with the wrong enemy. Equipped with light mail and spear, this company is handy for out flanking your opponent and chasing down archers.

  • Stables
  • In Castles, Border Horse are recruited with Stables.